Trees surrounded big chunks of tape

Beyond the urban: Contemporary arts and culture as key to sustainable territories

01 - 02.2020

Despite their vital importance in the cultural landscape, arts and cultural practices outside urban centres lack recognition at the EU policy level. 

Together with Cultural Action Europe, the European Network of Cultural Centres and Trans Europe Halles, we launched a joint advocacy project to raise the visibility of culture happening in territories beyond urban centres.

Building on many years of fieldwork on the topic, and different perspectives from the four networks involved, our joint project aims to highlight the significance of culture and the arts in non-urban and peripheral areas, identify challenges for the many existing and potential projects in those areas, and offer policy solutions to support them.

Our joint project includes:

  • A position paper detailing how to ensure the recognition of non-urban culture at a policy level
  • A joint webinar to discuss our policy recommendations aiming at supporting culture in non-urban areas
  • A new edition of our Fresh Perspectives on Art in Rural Areas
  • Social media showcases of inspiring contemporary arts projects taking place in rural areas (#nonurbanculture)


Image in banner: TAPE by Numen for Use, produced by Migrations and the RSPB. © Migrations